
The brand Fountain started life sometime in the 1960's and all products were made by Fountain Electronic Industries in Auckland and distributed by Tee Vee Radio Ltd.

As far as understood, the first products were a range of public address and domestic mono and stereo valve amplifiers and tuners and possibly a radio or two. The Fountain name was made popular during this period with the range of  the valve amplifiers that were sold and several of these still exist today.

During the 1970's they produced a line of solid state amplifiers, turntables, stereo console centers and loudspeakers. The turntables on offer generally had a Dual or BSR deck fitted, the higher end turntables having the Dual 1215/1225. 

Come the 1980's they still continued making separate components including a pretty good cassette deck and kept a line of console centers in production. It is uncertain when Fountain ceased manufacturing but more information may come to light over time.

The following brochures/images are what we have found so far. They will be arranged in chronological order over time. 

AF1250  1970's period. Note the price of $145, that equates to about $1500 today.

AF2550 1970's period.

Fountain Sovereign